7 SECONDS – Good To Go LP
105.00 zł
Studyjny album z 1999 roku i powrót do tego za co kochamy 7 Seconds – szybkich, maksymalnie naładowanych energetycznie i melodyjnych kawałków z pozytywnym przesłaniem.
Pierwsze winylowe wydanie tej płyty. mleczono przezroczysty winyl.
7 Seconds have had a pretty weird discography to try and follow. You have your classics like "The Crew" and "Walk Together, Rock Together" and then you have albums like "Soulforce Revolution" and "Ourselves" that are just terrible. Thankfully "Good To Go" is one of their better albums out of the bunch. It's basically a better produced & a bit more modern version of the hardcore sound 7 Seconds were going for on "The Crew" and "Walk Together, Rock Together." This album is solid, check it out.
1 Sooner Or Later
2 Hour Grapes
3 One Big Guessing Game
4 Best Friend
5 Slow Down A Second
6 Safety Net
7 Change The Key
9 Message From A Friend
10 True Roots Show
11 This World Of Mine
12 You See The Flaws
13 I See You Found Another Trophy
14 Good To Go
15 Never Try
16 Here We Go Again Kids