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FALSE PROPHETS – Blind Roaches and Fat Vultures: Phantasmagorical Beasts of the Reagan Era CD


Nowojorski odjechany punk z lat 80-tych. nieco później grali w Polsce, wzbudzając niezwykłe poruszenie swoją aparycją.
Ta płyta to wczesne niewydane nagrania, rzadkie single etc, z lat 81-84. Eklektyczny punk, łączący thrash z powolną psychodelią, basowe reggae, inspirowane rapem rytmy i punk-rockową operę. Krytycy lubili porównywać ich do Dead Kennedys, a także wczesnych Clash i Gang of Four.

From our “re-issues” series come this seminal NY punk from the early 80’s with tons of non-released and rare singles. Eclectic punk, melding flat-out thrash and slow psychedelic drones, bass-driven reggae, rap-inflected grooves, and punk-rock opera. Critics liked to compare them to Dead Kennedys, as well as early Clash and Gang Of Four.

Overkill (1981 Single)
Blind Obedience (1981 Single)
Good Clean Fun (1982 Single)
Royal Slime (1981 Single)
Suburban Invade (1981 Demo)
7 Deadly Sins (1984 Album Cut)
Somebody React (1984 Album Cut)
Scorched Earth (1984 Album Cut)
Mental Ghettto (1984 Album Cut)
Functional (1984 Album Cut)
Marat/Sade (1984 Album Cut)
Taxidermist (1984 Album Cut)
Baghdad Stomp (1984 Album Cut)
Helplessly Screaming (1984 Album Cut)
Faith (1984 Album Cut)
Banana Split Republic (1984 P.E.A.C.E. Track)
Decade Of Decay (1983 Unreleased)
Creatures Of The Woodwork (1983 Unreleased)
Premeditated Suicide (1980 Unreleased Demo)
Dear Mom I’m Dead (1983 Unreleased Demo)
Pounding Raw Burgers (1985 Practice Tape)

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