89.00 zł
Klasyka amerykańskiego hardcore'a z Filadelfii. Druga płyta z 1988 roku
Maksymalnie szybki, całkiem melodyjny, ale z odrobiną thrashu, szalony US punk z wokalem nadającym w tempie karabinu maszynowego.
Elegancka reedycja!
“23″ is FLAG of DEMOCRACY’s second full-length record. The first with their “new” drummer Bob who joined in 1987. Originally released in 1988 on New Jersey’s now defunct Buy Our Records, “23″ is a strange mix of even faster and thrashier tunes than seen on “Shatter Your Day”, but even if it seems impossible, more melodic songs. The CD and download versions contain a live radio set in California from 1988 and the other two “Five Bands That Have Changed The World” comp tracks, all remastered by James Plotkin.
1.Geisha 02:24
2.13 Years 01:18
3.You're Fucked 02:06
4.Abberation 05:04
5.Hallucinogenic Youth 00:55
6.Teen Beat 01:48
7.Going Going Gone 00:40
8.Love Song III 03:48
9.Brain Dead 02:03
10.Non-Stop Weekend 03:13
11.40oz of Manhood 01:39
12.I Don't Know 01:33
13.All The Drugs You Need 03:26
14. This Beautiful Place 01:14
15.Out To Get You 01:46
16.Pop Goes The Weasel 02:15
17.Green Pepper Blues 03:59