Subhumans – Worlds Apart CD
Brand: Pirates Press
62.00 zł
Trzeci duży album Subhumans nagrany wiosną 1985, wydany na początku 1986, kilka miesięcy po rozpadzie zespołu. Opus magnum Subhumans lat 80-tych – prawdopodobnie ich najważniejsza płyta tamtych czasów. Co my tu mamy? Wysublimowane kompozycje, wyrafinowane aranżacje, błyskotliwe zmiany tempa. Anarcho-punk wyciągnięty na wyżyny muzycznego geniuszu. Jest tu kilka pamiętnych hitów: „Apathy”, „Businessmen’ czy ‘Can’t Hear The Words’, ale praktycznie każdy kawałek to arcydzieło.
Arguably the highlight of their Eighties output, the third Subhumans album was recorded at Woodlands Studio, Castleford, during Spring 1985, and released early the following year, a few months after the band had split. Opening with the slightly incongruous instrumental, ‘33322’, what it lacks in rampant speed, it more than compensates for with some truly sublime compositions, assured arrangements and dizzying time changes. With a front cover illustration inked by vocalist Dick, ‘Worlds Apart’ saw the band find a veritable sweet spot in their song-writing, spawning many of their best-loved tracks, such as ‘Apathy’, ‘Businessmen’ and ‘Can’t Hear The Words’, but every single track on the album remains an understated masterpiece.
1. 33322
2. British Disease
3. Heads Of State
4. Apathy
5. Fade Away
6. Businessmen
7. Someone Is Lying
8. Pigman
9. Can’t Hear The Words
10. Get To Work On Time
11. Carry On Laughing
12. Straightline Thinking
13. Ex-Teenage Rebel
14. Powergames
15. 33322